AKP Preschool

Summer School 2023 – Science and Programming Week

This week we began our summer school activities for the school year. Our first week was labeled “A Course” which was mainly science activities and programming. The science activities (program one) were scheduled in the morning for all the children.  Program two, “Sovigo” (4-5 years) and “mTiny” (3 years) was scheduled in the afternoon. Teachers selected various science topics and experimented on them with children. On the first day we learned about the wind and its uses. Children made a mantle with plastic bags to feel the wind. Second day children learned sink and float. They experimented to see the things that can float and the ones that sink in water. Third day children learned rain formation and experimented on rain cloud using water, shaving foam, and blue paint. On the fourth day children learned bouncing and made a super ball (bounce ball) with water, salt, food color and glue (PVA). On the final day of “A Course” children learned about how various chemicals react to each other when put together. They used several chemicals to make an invincible letters. Summer school A Course was very fun for children because of the various experiments and the play involved. Children are looking forward to participate in the B Course.