AKP Preschool

20191009 Swimming Class

2 years old class.




3 to 5 years old class.

Today, for swimming class. Crab class walk, jump, kick, and run in the water. They also practice diving.

The Frog class started with running in the water, crab walk and did floating using floating board. They also slide on the slider into the water.

Level 14 classes practiced floating without the coaches help and face in and out the water while kicking using floaters.

Level 13 and 12A classes crawl using the floating board with face in the water and practiced breathing in and outside of the water.

Level 12B, 11, 10 and 9 classes practiced breathing in and out of the water with floaters and did one hand swimming using the blue board and crawl combinations.

And level 1 class swam crawl, breast stroke, back style, and butterfly combinations.

Swimming lesson today went very well and it was fun practicing swimming.