AKP Preschool

20191023 Swimming Class

2 years old class.

Today, for the Kani-kyu group, we practiced walking like a crocodile and crab, submerging face into the water, jump, and slide. For the Kaeru-kyu group, we practiced submerging body and face with the help of floaters. The kids were very happy to be able to submerge their faces in the water for 5 to 10 seconds. After a 2 week break from the pool, we can see that they are having so much fun.




3 to 5 years old class.

Crab class did jogging in the water and face in the water.

Frog class did floating with the blue board and float by themselves.

Class 14, they face up and in the water while kicking into the water.

Class 13, they hold the breath while crawling and crawl with the blue board.

Class 12 and 11, they crawl with blue board and crawl by themselves.

Class 10 and 9, they did crawl combination and back stroke.

Class 1, they did all four swimming combination like, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and freestyle.