AKP Preschool

20191106 Swimming Class

2 years old class.

Some kids have leveled up and went to the higher group. Kani group practiced crocodile and crab walk, face in the water, jump, and pool noodle, Kaeru group practiced swimming with their faces in the water, using floaters. The kids who were crying last week did their best and tried not to cry, this time. Gradually, the kids are getting better in every swimming practice.




3 to 5 years old class.

For today’s swimming class, the Crab class did the crab walk, crocodile walk, and jumped in the water.


The Frog class kicked in the water and floated in the water by themselves.


The Level 14 class kicked with the board with their heads in and out of the water.


The Level 13 class did the glide kick and kicked and crawled with the board.


The Level 12 class did the crawl with and without the board.


The Level 11, 10, and 9 class did a crawl combination and one-handed kick using the board.


The Level 1 class did four types of combinations, pulls, and kicks.