AKP Preschool

20191218 Preschool Swimming Class

2 years old class.

The Kani group practiced crocodile walk, putting one`s face in the water, and flutter kick. The Kaeru group practiced jump, flutter kick with face in the water and floating. Some kids dislike putting their faces in the water, and jumping. Every time, they show a terrified face. But when it`s time for activities such as finding the ring underwater, and slide, they all have smiles and excitement on their faces. There will be a long break from today. We hope to enjoy swimming as much as we do now in the coming third term.





3 to 5 years old class.

For today’s pool class, the Crab Class walked in the water, did the crab walk, and crocodile walk. The Frog Class kicked face down in the pool and floated using the board with their faces in and out of the water. The Level 14 class kicked while sitting and lying down and kicked using the board. The Level 13 class walked in the water, crawled using the board, and dived into the water. The Level 12 and 11 classes practiced crawl combinations and a one-handed crawl. The Level 10 and 8 classes practiced a back-stroke combination and kicking with one and two hands. The Level 1 class practiced 4 types of combinations and diving into the pool.