AKP Preschool

20201104 Preschool Swimming Class

2 years old class.

Today, the kids went to the swimming pool for the first time. At first, some kids were nervous as it was their first time to go into a swimming pool. But, as time passed, they started to get used to and have fun with the water. The kids who had swimming lessons before did more dynamic routine such as jumping and putting one`s face into the water. They all had fun in their first time.






3 to 5 years old class.

In ‘Frog Class’ the students walked and ran in the water.

In ‘Crab Class’ the students jumped into and walked in the water.

In ‘Class 14’ the students practiced floating by themselves in the water. When practicing kicking they were face down in the water while holding onto the blue board.

In ‘Class 13’ the students practiced both kicking face up and face down in the water while holding the blue board.

In ‘Class 12’ the students practiced breathing when coming in and out of the water. They then used this technique when practicing freestyle swimming while holding the blue board.