AKP Preschool

20201125 Preschool Swimming Class

2 years old class.

Today, the kids used flutter board at the pool. They also rode on a big floating board that looks like a boat. The intermediate class practiced flutter kick with their floating board. They were not used to it, but they got better as we practiced many times. The beginner class had fun playing with the water, now they don`t cry anymore whenever waters gets into their faces.




3 to 5 years old class.

Frog class practiced jumping into the water and walking through it.

Crab class practiced floating face up. They also practiced holding onto the coach’s shoulder and floating.

14 Class practiced floating face down in the water and kicking while on the blue board.

13 Class practiced their freestyle strokes, but only the arm movements, with the blue board. Once they got used to it, they then practiced with both arms.

12 Class practiced holding their breath and freestyle swimming with and without the blue board.