AKP Preschool

20210224 Preschool Swimming Class

2 years old class.

Today, the kids had a test to know their level. They looked nervous while waiting for their turn to come, but the moment they started they tried to do theirr best. They did a great job!






3 to 5 years old class.

Crab A

They begin their routine by flutter kick while sitting down on the platform. They also jumped in the water to break their fears. After that they crawl like a crocodile and tried to float. They tried walking in the water too.


Crab A, Crab B, and Frog A

They begin with the lesson by kick paddling the water. They also looked up while swimming and paddling feet with the help of the kick board.


Crab B and Frog A

They begin with the lesson by kick paddling the water. They also walked and jogged in the water. They practiced crawling like a crocodile.


Frog A, Frog B, and Class 14 A

They practiced kick paddling in the water. They tried to float using the kick board. After that they looked up while swimming and paddling feet with the help of the kick board. After that they crawl like a crocodile and tried to float.


Class 14 A and Class 14 B

They practiced to float using the kick board and crawl using only one hand on the kick board. They also did flutter kick while holding their breath.


Class 13B

They practiced crawl with both hand and even one hand too, with the help of kick board.


Class 12B and 11B

They practiced one handed crawl while holding their breath. And finally they did flutter kick swim and crawling without the kick board. The higher level students practiced crawl combination, too. And finally they did bobbing to practice their breathing.


They enjoyed the swimming test today. Everyone is excited to go for swimming lesson next week.