AKP Preschool

Swimming Lesson

Our lessons began with the usual warm up exercise. After that children were grouped into their various swimming groups.

The Crab class did sit kicks, crab and crocodile walks in the water. They did jumps and slide into the water to get use to the water.

Frog A class did sit kicks, jumps, and running in the water. They practiced board float with face in the water.

Frog B class walk under the water to get use to the water. They practiced floating with floaters and also did face lift and down the water with the board. They finally slide on the bench into the water.

Level 14 class Practiced kicks with the face lift and down in the water both with and without the board.

Level 13 class also did face lift kicks, one-handed crawl, and crawl with the board.

Level 11-12 classes did pre-breathing face lift kicks using the board. They also practiced one-hand and two-handed swing using the board.

Children did great today and had lots of fun.